A journey through Linfield history begins in the archives

Shaterah Hall '15Shaterah Hall ’15 is exploring the history of Linfield College – one photograph at a time.

Hall, the steward of the Linfield College photograph collection, works in the Linfield archives diligently rehousing, organizing and taking inventory of the entire photographic collection. She estimates there to be more than 2,000 photos, slides, negatives and clip art.

The collection contains photographs from 1880 to 2012, depicting all aspects of life at Linfield College (McMinnville Campus) including athletics, clubs, classes, events, ceremonies, commencements, socializing, studying, campus and building photographs, awards, and faculty and staff.

A creative writing major with a love of photography and anthropology, Hall is a natural for archival work, according to Linfield Archivist Rachael Woody. Hall also gained technical writing experience by cataloguing hundreds of photo descriptions in a clear way.

She detailed her summer work in a blog, and will continue the project throughout the year.

“Images can roar and stun regardless of their decade, daring us to re-evaluate ourselves and situations, remember and move forward,” she said.

Learn more about the Linfield College Archives.