Babies and screen time don’t mix

Jennifer Linder, professor of psychologyJust say “no” to plopping an iPad in front of your baby, says Linfield College psychology Professor Jennifer Linder, who conducts research on the effects of media on children and adolescents.

Linder recently weighed in on an increasing trend of parents using electronic devices to entertain children. In a recent News-Register story, Linder debunks three common parental beliefs about children and screen time. Read it here.

Research shows that children under the age of 1 cannot learn from screens. In fact, there is growing evidence of potential harmful effects such as decreased vocabulary and reading skills. Despite a recommendation by the American Academy of Pediatrics for no screen time under the age of 2, screen time for infants is the norm with 40 percent of babies viewing television by 3 months of age.

Study psychology at Linfield College.


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