Enrollment up in Linfield College online program, nursing degrees favored

This fall Linfield College experienced a 12 percent increase in enrollment in its online programs, and consistent with national trends, Linfield students favor health care degrees.

The RN to BSN nursing program, in particular, is drawing record numbers of students.

Linfield’s online degree programs typically attract working adults, including parents. The accredited programs allow students to access courses and assignments at their convenience while allowing easy communication with classmates and professors. Students can also earn an online certificate.

Online degrees offered by Linfield College Adult Degree Program include a management, accounting, marketing, social and behavioral sciences, RN to BSN degree and international business, and certificates in post-baccalaureate accounting, human resource management and marketing.

The school was one of the first schools in the Pacific Northwest to offer distance education, in an effort to reach working adults in the region.


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