Former Abu Ghraib detainees’ stories and faces immortalized at Linfield Gallery exhibit

Regional and local newspapers and radio stations featured the gallery’s powerful “Bearing Witness” exhibit, on display through the end of April.

The Oregonian, the News Register, NPR-affiliate Jefferson Public Radio and Portland’s KBOO Community Radio spotlighted the first Pacific Northwest exhibition of artist Daniel Heyman’s Abu Ghraib portraits, “Bearing Witness.” The portraits and words are charged with emotion, politically provocative, and in light of current events in the Middle East, incredibly relevant.



Linfield Gallery

Throughout the academic year, exhibitions of regional, national and international stature are on view in the 1500 square-foot gallery at Linfield College. Patrons can expect challenging shows that exemplify diverse approaches to contemporary art.

Art Professor Cris Moss is curator and director of the art gallery at Linfield College. He has curated and coordinated exhibits around the country, and his work has been exhibited in solo and group shows throughout the world.

Art Professor Brian Winkenweder contributed the exhibition instigation and the essays.


Art History and Visual Culture at Linfield College

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